Client Success Stories

“Erma is a gem. She has an amazing ability to make you feel comfortable and never feel judged. Erma is a great listener. Her training as a compassion coach along with her natural ability to help provides you with tools to move beyond just surviving in your life. Contact Erma today if you will thrive!”

Betsy Le, New Jersey

Erma is kind and compassionate to her core both as a personal friend and in her professional career as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. She always spends quality time with her patients and families displaying the utmost patience and gentle understanding. She always treats her work as a privilege to serve others. Erma also served as my mentor when I was a RN in graduate school obtaining my MSN and Neonatal Nurse Practitioner degree. To this day, I still call on her as a mentor with professional advice. She is extremely experienced and respected in her role and others look to her for guidance and support. Erma leads by example in all she does!

Angela Craft, NNP-BC

Erma has been such a blessing to me over the years…

When I hired Erma to work in the NICU as a NNP I had no idea she was going to bring so much more than that! She was not only an amazing NNP who was compassionate with babies, parents, staff and providers, but she was also an amazing problem solver who thoroughly enjoyed working through the most challenging of situations.

She has a gift for brainstorming, particularly as it relates to seeing different angles of a situation. She is a stellar listener and values others perspectives. She enjoys the banter of constructive conversations, particularly if they result in meaningful impact. She has a way about her that is kind and gentle without avoiding difficult topics that need discovery and/or conversation.

Erma is a precious friend and colleague. I adore her and expect you will too!

Nicole Barrett, former NNP, Edward Jones Consultant

“Erma is an incredible talented, loving compassion coach. It has been a remarkable journey for me personally to have been coached by Erma. She truly cared and believed in my abilities to accomplish any task. Thank you for your inspiring, insightful and energizing sessions. What I liked most about Erma is her ability to mirror, and then articulate what’s going on based on what she sensed which created so much awareness. Erma did not hesitate to tactfully, but directly point out areas that needed to be considered a different way and proved to be right. Erma has a solid presence! I value all the coaching sessions we’ve had and I appreciate you!!!”

Reverend Velma Matthews

“There aren’t enough words to describe Erma Cooke and the love and support she selflessly gives others.  I first met Erma as a Hospital Corpsman in the Navy.  I was a loud-mouthed excitable young adult and she ran the NICU at Camp Lejeune.  I had a fascination with what she did and how she was able to save babies that otherwise wouldn’t have made it.  I also admired her ability to help those that were going through a very difficult time.  I never would have thought that around 13 years later, it would be my wife and I going through one of those very rough times. My wife and I struggled with (unexplained) infertility.  We went through several rounds of fertility treatments and had 4 miscarriages along the way. On our 5th pregnancy, we finally heard the magical sound of a heartbeat.  There were feelings of elation as well as a hefty amount of freaking out.  At every turn, Erma was there to answer questions, to massage freak-outs and to be a stable ear to talk to.  At 32 weeks, on our way back from our “baby-moon” we noticed significantly decreased fetal movement and went to the hospital.  At the hospital, we got information that we couldn’t even comprehend.  Our baby, Isaac, had left this world and no longer had a heartbeat.  Erma was one of the people that we reached out to.  There was the irrational hope that when we delivered our son, that he would suddenly be okay and would take a breath and be alive.  Of course, this didn’t happen and Erma was one of the people gently guiding us through the stages of grief surrounding this event.  She offered advice, she gave coping tactics, she ensured time and time again that we knew it wasn’t our fault and that there was nothing we could have done.  She was not only an angel for our angel, she was exactly what we needed.  After we worked through the challenges associated with stillbirth, we were fortunate to get pregnant again and heard that magical heartbeat again.  Not only was Erma there to celebrate this information, she was there for us when we learned that there was a condition impacting our unborn child that could make him unable to breathe or need immediate surgery at delivery.  Once again, Erma was there to guide us and to soothe our fears.  Honestly, you couldn’t ask for a better human being than Erma.  She has a knack for helping people through grief and she will help you celebrate your success as well.  She is one of the most genuine people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and I am honored and lucky to call her my friend.  Very rarely are there people out there that you randomly meet that become family and Erma is one of those people.”

Benjamin Achtenberg

Seashell in Sand