PerinataL loss & SUPPORT

For pregnancy loss, postpartum loss, and the trauma of having a NICU baby

They say we can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails

You and your partner are rejoicing over the news. There is bliss, excitement, and so many plans being made. Then, you go to the doctor and they tell you, “you have gestational diabetes” or “you’re going to have a premature baby.” Or you have the baby and the provider says,“he is jaundiced” or “she is too early and will be here in the NICU for the next 4 months.” It’s hard to imagine the worst: “the bleeding resulted in a loss of your pregnancy” or “I’m sorry, there is no heartbeat.”

The confusion has you feeling out of control. The sadness inside is immeasurable. You wonder how you will move on. If it’s even possible.

Grieving the loss of an anticipated pregnancy, an expected outcome of childbirth, or the act of becoming a parent is inconceivable ~ until it is happening to you. We each deal with grief in different ways. Some of us explode with anger, some shut down in sorrow, while others push away the feelings entirely. None of these responses are wrong, yet experiencing any (or all) of them can be confusing, feel exhausting, and seem unending. 

However, it is possible to ride the waves of loss and pain. To adjust your sails and move through grief. 

Receiving compassion to restore your heart

As a skilled and spiritual healthcare professional with extensive experience involving enduring grief, I have seen healing happen to those most doubtful. With a 38-long career in nursing, including 28 years as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP), I have witnessed countless families riding the waves of both hopelessness and hopefulness in the NICU.

One thing I know for sure is that when life blows its harshest winds, we need to equip ourselves with support. Even when it feels impossible, looking to or leaning on another has the potential to keep our head above water and moving forward. It is my life’s calling to help you through the tsunami of sorrow, grief, anger, or “what if’s” and come out the other side.

Personal support for moving through waves

The support I offer is individualized to your specific needs and desires as someone going through pregnancy loss, postpartum loss, or the trauma of having a NICU baby. As a longtime NNP and trained Compassion Coach, I provide a safe space for you to land during your most difficult moments. A strong shore where you can ride the waves of grief and trauma without drowning. Where your heart can be restored. Where your tears are caught with compassion. Where it is safe for you to feel all the feelings.

Grief is a form of love.

Find your way through the darkness...