neonatal care provider SUPPORT

Coaching for coping with the burnout and trauma of NICU care. For NICU Staff and Providers.

Supporting the burnout and trauma of taking care of NICU babies

My background and story

I started my nursing career in 1984 before the days of Mother-Baby Units. Over the first 10 years, I worked in both high and low acuity nursing settings as a bedside nurse, Charge Nurse, Assistant Manager, and Manager. In 1993, I became a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP) where I found my greatest passion at the bedside of NICU babies.

Several years into serving as an NNP, I found myself completely burnt out in an unsupportive NICU environment. After 15 years of nursing, I decided I didn’t want to do it anymore. I was frustrated and out of fuel. I told myself I was going to find a different career and planned to give my notice.

Then, I found myself with a 3-pound NICU patient in my arms. He looked up at me with big, chocolate-colored eyes, as if to ask, “are you really leaving me?” Immediately, I felt the deepest part of my soul respond with a resounding “no”. I left the unsupportive environment I was in, surrounded myself with the right staff, and never looked back. 

Getting the support you need and deserve

NICU work is many things. It is emotionally draining, physically demanding, and systemically frustrating. But it is also one of the most rewarding, humbling, and awe-inspiring career paths on the face of the earth.

If I have learned anything in my 38-year-long nursing career, it’s that support is not only needed but necessary. There is no denying the challenges, if not trauma of a human being providing emotional, spiritual, and physical support to the most precious, little beings. Finding support should be a natural part of our careers. It helps us be the best providers we can be.

Intimate coaching for managing burnout

The support I offer is individualized to your specific needs, challenges, and concerns as a NICU staff person. It comes from decades of firsthand experience and is complemented by my training as a Compassion Coach.

Sessions offer a safe, gentle and generous space to focus on your healing, dreams, and desires. A space where you can ride the wave of NICU burnout without drowning. Where your heart can be restored.

Grief is a form of love.

Find your way through the heartache...